Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I know it's tuesday, but...

So, I'm a couple days late posting on my weekend, but I slept all day yesterday. LITERALLY! You know my sleeping patterns are all crazy, so now it's 4:45am...you get the gist. 

Well, Miranda postponed her concert because of Blake's dad passing away. Then, Saturday, Thompson Square cancelled due to family illness. So, my 2 concert weekend was a ZERO concert weekend :( 

But, it was a long-time friends' birthday! So, we celebrated!


Now, more eps of Law & Order...and some Melatonin...


  1. Does melatonin work... I never can sleep either. but I have a normal sleeping schedule so I have no excuse, ha.

  2. I love the melatonin, and sometimes I take valarian root along with it... though it's not something I take every night, as sometimes the combo gives me some really WEIRD dreams!

    Bummer that the concert with Thompson Square was cancelled, but it looks like you had a great weekend anyway!
